Jackie Ackerman
My journey with homeschooling began when my eldest son, at the age of 4, was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer which led him to have a bone marrow transplant when he was 7. He was very ill with infections after this procedure, and this meant he was unable to attend school as planned. In the periods where Luke was well enough to do some learning, I found myself homeschooling with little idea as to what I should be teaching him and what he should be learning but somehow, during the madness that was my life during that time, I found my true passion for education.
I decided that my mission, as soon as Luke was well enough and I was able to, would be to create a collection of resources that would help parents who were also homeschooling – not because they didn’t agree with our education system but simply because they had been left with no other choice.

So, a few years later, when I was able to, I went to university and achieved a history degree followed by a PGCE which gave me qualified teacher status in the UK. Being a single mum to 3 children with no money and no family support I needed to work to support my family and became a secondary school history teacher at an inner city comprehensive in South Wales.
However, this mission was always in the back of my mind and when I made the transition to tutoring, this allowed me time to focus on my true mission and this is how Ackerman Home Learning was born. My aim is to help students achieve their maximum potential by motivating them to learn with passion in a home environment and providing parents with the tools and resources they need to make this happen.
Work Experience
I’ve been a qualified teacher for over 25 years and homeschooled my son from a young age.
As a Principal Examiner for the major exam boards, I train the Team Leaders and Examiners in how to mark the papers and know exactly what to focus on when preparing for examinations.
As an experienced senior examiner, I am also pleased to offer tutoring for the International Baccalaureate.
Subjects Taught
English, Geography, History, R.E, International Baccalaureate
History GCSE
English GCSE
History A Level
English A Level
International baccalaureate
Is Ackerman Home Learning right for me and my family?
I created Ackerman Home Learning because I was left with no choice but to homeschool and my aim is to prove to parents that IT IS possible for their child to achieve their full potential regardless of the reason they fell into homeschooling. I fully believe that all learning should have outcomes and I support those parents who want to do schooling differently, but Ackerman Home Learning is not right for you if you are trying to move away from the traditional education system. Following a structured education system sits at the core of what I offer.
So why should I choose Ackerman Home Learning?
I work with parents to provide them with all the tools, resources, and information they need to successfully navigate homeschooling. Despite common belief, taking your child out of school does not mean that they can’t achieve their predicted grades and I will be with you each step of the way to take the stress out of homeschooling.
I know better than anybody that life is hard enough dealing with all the worries and concerns that comes with a child, add to that illness and homeschooling and the last thing you want on your mind is what you should be teaching next. From lesson plans to a step-by-step guide to homeschooling, I’m here for you right by your side.